
Saturday, January 21, 2012

Guacamole And My First Award

          Avocado is a tropical fruit, native to Mexico, it's high in fat content but mostly the good one. When ripe, the fruit has a buttery texture and a bland taste. Usually it is used for making sandwiches, in ice creams and milkshakes too. But in our house, it is mainly used to make this, Guacamole, a spread when we use it on bread, a dip when we use it with tortilla chips. You can buy it in stores, but it tastes best when made fresh at home..
Need To Have
  • Avocado - 1 ripe
  • Red onion - 1 small
  • Tomato - 1 medium
  • Coriander Leaves - chopped 1 handful
  • Lemon - 1/2

          Slice the avocado into halves, remove the seed and scoop the flesh out. Mash it well, mix in salt and lemon juice. Now, add the onion, tomatoes and coriander, mix everything well, check for salt and if needed squeeze more lemon juice. That's it, your guacamole is ready to be had with bread or chips or as a spread on wraps. I used it in a wrap (recipe coming next).

If you are not serving it to small children, you can mix chopped green chillies in it. I usually add chilli pieces separately, depending on who needs it.
For people who are new to avocados, the ripe fruit is dark brown in color, and soft when you press it slightly.

Happy Blogger Award
          Being a newbie to the blogging world, hardly a month old, I was very happy when I recieved this award from Chandrani of Cuisine Delights, thank you so much dear. She has a wonderful blog and some very yummy recipes. The award is like a small pat on my shoulder, encouraging me to blog more and most of all, like a warm welcome.

Now it's my turn to pass it on to 10 of  my other blogger friends.

Hope they'll accept it and share it with their other blogger friends.


  1. looks so appetizing & healthy
    new to your space your space..
    nice presentation with inviting cliks
    Am your happy follower now..;)
    do stop by mine sometime..
    Tasty Appetite

  2. congrats Hema .Way to go.


  3. absolutely fantastic & mouth-watery..;)Congrats on ur awards...

  4. congrats on ur award and wish many more comes by ur way....ofcourse millions of thanks 4 sharing with me dear....

    This is really a new recipe to me bookmarked....luks so delicious

  5. Following you dear - And hope you will join me on my blog :) cheers, Priya

  6. Wonderful dip and congrats on ur award and wish many more to come

  7. Congrats!! Wonderful dip and keep going............. Thank you so much for remembering and passing this award.

  8. Congrats .. beautiful yumm dip and thanks for sharing this award..

  9. I love guacamole and is often made at my place too. Your recipe sounds yummy!!!

  10. congrats on the award! i love guacamole, its so healthy too.. looks delecious :)

  11. Very delicious dip and congrats on your awards,wish you many more..
    Happy to follow your space ,Hema!
    Thanx for dropping by n following my space:-)

    Erivum Puliyum

  12. Congrats Hema! Love your recipes.

    - Malathi Murali.
